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- Create Date December 15, 2021
- Last Updated December 15, 2021
D7.2 Dissemination and Communication Plan - Executive Summary
The present document details the GLOMICAVE project dissemination and communication plan, aiming at reaching as many relevant actors as possible to inform them on the activities and results derived from the project. ASINCAR and EUT are responsible for designing and implementing GLOMICAVE communication and dissemination strategy, but all consortium partners will be involved in it.
The channels and platforms considered in the communication and dissemination plan include: social media channels, official project’s website, promotional materials to be distributed in key events or shared through communication channels, media relations, organization and attendance of workshops and/or other strategic and specialised conferences, fairs or congresses where the project can be presented.
This deliverable details the different target groups identified, key messages addressed to each main group of stakeholders and other communication and dissemination activities planned.