SERIDA is a public institute of the Principality of Asturias (Spain) which aims to contribute to the modernization and improvement of the capacities of the regional agri-food sector by promoting and carrying out agri-food technological research and demonstrative activities, in order to transfer innovations to the main stakeholders, facilitating improvements in productivity, promoting a diversification of the sector and increasing economic benefits through the value chain.
Contribution to GLOMICAVE
SERIDA is responsible of the identification of biomarkers predictive of pregnancy and calving outcomes in cattle including deciphering the complex embryo-recipient interactions. SERIDA is developing applications for livestock focused on efficient use of ET in cattle embryo transfer and is providing unique expertise in Metabolomics solutions and Physiology to counteract cattle infertility and improve the efficiency of genomics selection programs.
SERIDA is also participating in the identification of relevant databases, and extraction of meaningful information applicable to animal reproductive technology, leading to identification of relevant metabolites and definition of relevant genotypes and phenotypes and pathways. Additionally, researchers from SERIDA are contributing to the development of “in silico” predictive models for animal reproduction