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- Create Date November 2, 2022
- Last Updated November 2, 2022
D7.6 Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR) - Executive Summary
This deliverable reports on the dissemination activities and outlines the exploitation plan and partners’ exploitation agreement.
This first Plan of Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR) is an internal and confidential document dedicated to members of GLOMICAVE Consortium, which identifies the exploitable results and presents the methodology that will be addressed to divulge the project results to target audiences and to support exploitation and ensure the market uptake.
The success and maximum impact will be achieved by the exploitation of the GLOMICAVE platform: a new digital genotype to phenotype platform, relying on Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence and using large-scale publicly available and experimental omics datasets. Other relevant exploitation results related to the different business cases also have been identified and its exploitation routes will be further defined in collaboration with the Consortium partners.
First, the deliverable aims to present the current identified results from the partners and defining the basis in terms of potential scale-up, exploitation and commercialization strategies of the GLOMICAVE platform and the business cases. It paves the way towards assuring that the impact the project is set out to have after the end of the funding period is achieved. It discusses the project partners’ implications in the exploitation activities that have been done and that will be carried out.
Secondly, it presents the current results that have been disseminated and the coming ones as part of the dissemination strategy. Targets, management, risks and mitigation measures, KPIs reporting, and activities calendar are presented in the Dissemination part of the PUDR.
This deliverable constitutes a preliminary exploitation and dissemination plans. The development of both plans will continue throughout the next project phases, working to present in Deliverable 7.8. Final PUDR the final dissemination, IPR and exploitation management for the project.