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- Create Date May 8, 2024
- Last Updated May 8, 2024
GLOMICAVE aims to exploit the information hidden in the existent scientific literature and large-scale omics datasets for a better understanding of genotype-phenotype relationships. In that sense, a platform was built, and different business cases were studied to validate the tools developed in the project. In this deliverable, we will focus on the cattle fertility business case (Task 6.1) and will present predictive models for the prediction of pregnancy and calving outcomes in cattle from metabolomics and proteomics data.
After an overview of this business case highlighting the context and the challenges to address, a precise description of the datasets available is presented including the type and numbers of samples analysed by several omics approaches. In a third part, the algorithms development is described before to focus on the main robust biomarkers for the prediction of reproductive outcomes in ET recipients. At the end, a critical conclusion is raised giving interesting perspectives for this business application.