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- Create Date December 15, 2021
- Last Updated December 15, 2021
D9.2 Data Management Plan (DMP) - Executive Summary
Management of data is an important element of large scale multi-disciplinary projects. As such, GLOMICAVE will be collecting, using, and generating a heterogeneous set of data throughout its lifecycle. This deliverable is the initial version of the project’s Data Management Plan and explains the proposed actions for the overall control of GLOMICAVE’s data and publications. The deliverable embarks with a summarisation of the types and sources of data and continues with the description of the practices for safeguarding that the GLOMICAVE research data are findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR). An account of the allocated resources for data management is included. The deliverable concludes with an appreciation of the data security. D9.2 is connected with D8.1 - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI), and WP8, to consider not only legal and data aspects but ethical considerations as well. In a similar way, DMP will take into account any IPR / exploitation restriction (WP7).