GLOMICAVE project has been represented during the 48th International Embryo Technology Society Annual Conference (IETS) celebrated from January 10th – 13th in Savannah, Georgia (USA).
The conference gathered the scientific and industry community to further the science of animal embryo technology by promoting more effective research in this field, disseminating and transferring knowledge, maintaining high standards of ethics and establishing synergies.
During the conference, Enrique Gómez and Isabel Gimeno, from the Animal Genetics and Reproduction Area of SERIDA, presented two posters based on GLOMICAVE research.
The first one, titled as “Non-invasive prediction of pregnancy and birth in cattle by LC-HRMS analysis of embryo culture medium”, introduced the preliminary results that relate the embryonic metabolites identified in the culture medium with the pregnancy competence of in vitro produced embryos.
On the other hand, the poster “Early metabolic reading of calf fitness in the embryo and the recipient”, showed metabolic pathways in preimplantation embryos and recipients that associate with calf fitness.
Finally, Isabel Gimeno, who was awarded with a “Peter Farin Trainee Award”, presented her thesis during the session “Three Minutes Thesis”.