GLOMICAVE partners met to celebrate the project’s 3rd General Assembly on 3-4 of November in the University of Minho facilites located in Braga, Portugal.
Representatives from each partner entity have joined the meeting to present the results achieved during these first two years of project’s execution. Additionally, they have reviewed all the work done in each of the Work Packages and set up the next steps and actions to be achieved in the upcoming months.
The meeting, which was attended by representatives of all partners, included ten different sessions to discuss the main ongoing topics and activities of the project, which aims to develop a new digital genotype to phenotype platform, relying on Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence and using large-scale publicly available and experimental omic datasets.
Finally, the meeting also included a tour across to Águas do Norte facilities in which partners could visit the waste water treatment plant that will be used within the GLOMICAVE environment business cases.