GLOMICAVE partner Andreia Salvador, PhD from the University of Minho, attended the FEMS2023 congress, an event organised by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies celebrated on July 9th-13th at the Congress Center of Hamburg (Germany).
During the congress, she exhibited the poster “Machine learning for predicting biomethane production from microbial communities’ composition in full scale anaerobic digesters”, a work that has been undertaken thanks to GLOMICAVE research.
The poster predicts the microbial species contributing most for methane production, based on 16 S rRNA gene sequencing data from anaerobic digesters, by using machine learning algorithms. Within the project three predictive models were trained identifying 54 microbial species that score at least 60 on a 0-100 importance scale for the biomethane production prediction.
Partners from University of Minho (CEB – Centre of Biological Engineering) have contributed to the work presented in the poster in collaboration with partners from INRAE, University of Bordeaux and MetaboHUB.
You can download the poster here:
FEMS2023 was the biggest event in Europe this year dedicated to showcasing the latest developments across the broad scope of microbiology. It served as a space where microbiologists from all over the world networked and enjoyed different topics on microbiology.